A request to leaving patrons:

5 min read

Deviation Actions

DemonRoad's avatar

My Patreon feed has been kind of all over the place with the recent e-mail thing going on. Every month I get a few people coming and going and I’m pretty used to it. I don’t have a lot of patrons so it’s been generally pretty easy to keep track of everyone, but when there is a lot of activity really quickly, it gets a bit muddled.

My request is this: If you wish to/need to stop being a contributor, please send me a message on Tumblr or on Patreon before the Tuesday after you want to leave (I always bill on Tuesday so there is no need to worry about any charges before then, even if I’ve posted content, you won’t be charged for it) so I can make note of it.

It is not because I am keeping some sort of black list or anything (I can already see who comes and goes). But rather because I do still keep tabs of all my contributors like I did during the “dark age of taking donations” in the primitive time before Patreon. When I am gearing up to do things like giveaways or pre-releases or other Patreon backer exclusive things, I do still want to include the people who have been with me, but might not be with me the exact moment I am ready to work out my budgets for shipping or submitting my orders.  

I do my best to keep personal track of everyone and I do keep all my feed records. While my records tell me every time someone comes, goes or changes tiers, it doesn’t tell me where they where before or how much or for how long they’ve been backing the comic. Also, if they return, I believe Patreon starts them from 0 again in terms of Patreon’s “loyalty” system, which wouldn’t seem fair to exclude them from things based on Patreon’s weird record keeping system.

I get that there might be some anxiety that goes with telling someone you don’t want to or can’t support them anymore, I’ve been there, so I just want to state for the record: I am super grateful to everyone who has ever supported me and my comic, whether it was for a week, a month or since the beginning of the project. I am really flattered that you wanted to support me and did so for as long as you felt you could. I will never ask you why and I hope that you feel that no explanation will be needed. You owe me nothing and I owe you everything for allowing me some small time to do what I love. I will not be upset or offended that you have to go, I will be thankful to you that you came.

Every time.

You guys are the best and I want to keep doing for you what I can, when I can, even if you aren’t around during the moments that I am able to. Being given some warning so I can update your record allows me to do this.

If you don’t want to, that’s cool too and you of course still have my thanks<3

I know I am kind of a quiet person and it is often not clear what I am thinking or what’s going on with me, but I do notice everyone. I read everyone’s comments and I learn your names and I am super glad that you are here doing this with me. To anyone who is unsure, you are always welcome to talk to me.

© 2015 - 2024 DemonRoad
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scowlingelf's avatar
Oooh, sneaky ninja! That's really cool and super nice that you want to include everyone!

I will let you know if ever I have to leave (though my intention is to give up buying dessert at lunch at work instead if it comes to that).